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smrt is a powerful python-based GUI and command line tool designed to ease the process of
constantly renaming and tagging MP3 and OGG files, licensed under the GPL v2.
smrt performs the functions of a standard mass-tagger, such as translating a filename into tags, and creating a new filename from tag data. smrt is unique in its inclusion of powerful regular expression and custom text manipulation tools to manipulate filenames and tag data, and in its ability to search for and apply track data from the FreeDB project. All this is presented in a streamlined, informative GTK GUI. A small CLI tool is also provided for quick jobs. As far as I know, smrt is the most powerful tool for performing regular expression-based translations on filename and metadata out there. It is geared towards users with knowledge of regular expressions, but should prove useful for other users who simply want to mass-tag files or search and apply Free DB data to files.